Laid-back Japanese Podcast Laid-back Japanese Podcast

Show Notes

Every episode comes with a succinct list of the topics and phrases covered. Studying is optional with LBJP, but you can start here if you want if you want to dive deeper or memorize something.

illustrated graphical tape with ice cream, books, the park, trains, and a stary night divided by stage curtains.

Don’t Sweat the Details

Laid-Back Japanese is supposed to be a laid-back, fun experience. By all means, study these notes when you’re motivated to do so, but remember that turning every aspect of your Japanese studies into an assignment is a surefire way to burn out. Some parts of this journey should be relaxing!

How to Learn Japanese (with LBJP)


Core studies

Show up consistently to study a single, comprehensive primary learning material — NativShark, for example.


Listen to LBJP

Listen when it’s convenient, such as when commuting, or when you want to be productive but don’t feel like studying.


Challenge Mode

Give our short, all-Japanese episodes a listen and see how much you can catch. Get excited that someday you will understand everything.

Come chat about the episodes in our discord!